Making Money Online: 15 Brilliant Tips - Legitimate and Fast.

 Making Money Online: 15 Brilliant Tips - Legitimate and Fast.

Making Money Online: 15 Brilliant Tips - Legitimate and Fast
Making Money Online: 15 Brilliant Tips - Legitimate and Fast

Making Money Online: 15 Brilliant Tips.

 The internet is filled with income sources, and making money online has never been easier than it is today. All you need is a laptop or smartphone and an internet connection. After that, you can get started and generate an income online, either as a side hustle or full-time, legitimately and quickly. We will show you several options and tips on how to make money online while building a passive income.

Making Money Online - Legitimate and Fast

 Are you looking for an additional source of income to make money easily and on the side? Then, make the most of the opportunities the internet offers! Below, we present various offers, paths, websites, and apps that allow you to make money online in a legitimate way.

1. Make money online by answering surveys:

 Making money online through surveys is a classic method. Answering surveys is particularly suitable for beginners, as it requires no initial capital. You can register on multiple online platforms like Swagbucks,,, or GfK and participate in surveys in exchange for payment – without prior knowledge or significant time investment. You may even receive surveys by email, and they typically take no longer than 5 to 10 minutes. This job can be done while sitting on the subway, in front of the television, or waiting in the supermarket queue. Usually, these surveys focus on market research and your opinion on products or your interests as a potential customer and buyer. You will usually receive surveys that match your profile, which you provided during registration, allowing you to make money on the side with just a few clicks.


 No qualifications are required for completing and participating in surveys. However, you may not be eligible for all surveys, especially if you do not fit the target demographic. Tip: Provide as many interests as possible during portal registration to receive more assigned surveys.

How much can I earn?

Your earnings and income depend on the amount of time you invest. The larger and more comprehensive the survey, the more you can earn online. Some surveys may pay 50 cents, while others offer up to 10 USD. On average, you can earn between 200 and 400 USD per month with surveys. Tip: Register on as many portals and apps as possible to get more surveys and jobs.

2. Make money online by blogging:

 If you have a way with words, are an expert in a particular subject, and want to share your knowledge, you can make money with a blog. With sufficient reach, a blog can be monetized in various ways through advertising, sponsored posts, or commissions. 

 However, running a successful blog requires a lot of work. It will take some time before you generate significant revenue. But for those who persevere and maintain their blog, it can become a source of good, long-term passive income.


 To make money online with a blog, you need your domain (URL) and must host the blog yourself. Otherwise, you'll always be subject to the terms of the website provider. Setting up your own WordPress blog doesn't cost much. Exclusive templates can be found for as little as 50 USD. A complete programming job by an agency can cost between 1500 and 3000 USD.

How much can I earn?

The earning potential depends on how you make money with your blog. For lucrative advertising income, a minimum of 5000 daily readers is required. With that level of traffic, you can earn between 2000 and 3000 USD per month. Sponsored posts or affiliate marketing (see below) can also generate income with fewer readers.

3. Make money from the Internet through e-books:

 Writing your book is a dream for many authors. Fortunately, today you no longer need initial capital or a traditional publisher to publish a book. You can publish knowledge or useful tips from your field in an e-book and offer it for purchase or download online.


 You should be able to write well and clearly. However, to turn your e-book into a source of income, you should choose a topic that interests others. You're unlikely to make money with poetry, but practical self-help and niche topics can be profitable if there's a paying audience.

How much can I earn?

 You can sell e-books through Amazon, other online retailers (Digistore, Elopage, etc.), or your website. The earnings depend on the price and the number of copies sold. As a simple example: if your e-book costs 10 USD and you sell it 100 times, that's 1000 USD earned on the side. It may not be much compared to the work that goes into a book. Therefore, it's often more lucrative to produce small, inexpensive e-books or e-papers that sell in large quantities. TIP: To make the math worthwhile, aim for at least 70 percent of the selling price after commissions and taxes.

4. Make money from the Internet by being a Texter:

With linguistic skills, you can earn money online even faster and easier as a texter from home, writing for others. You'll write product descriptions, entire blog articles, or craft advertising copy. Numerous platforms connect you with such assignments. You'll either be paid per word count or receive a flat fee for the entire text.


 Strong expression, spelling, and grammar skills are a must. If you're offering online content, understanding some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is beneficial, as it can increase the value and price of your work. Specialized knowledge is an advantage if you don't want to earn solely as a copywriter.

How much can I earn?

Pure online copywriters and texters don't earn a lot, but ghostwriters for books can earn significantly more. Sometimes, they're paid as little as 4 to 7 cents per word. To make a good side income, you need to be fast and write many texts. A good goal is an average of 1000 words per hour.

5. Make money online from affiliate marketing:

 Affiliate marketing is an online sales concept that operates through links and commissions. Here's a simple example: If you want to learn about affiliate marketing, you should read the book "Dotcom Secrets" by Russell Brunson. It's very informative and contains many tips. However, the link to the book is also an Amazon affiliate link, which means if you order the book through it, we receive a small commission. These are just a few cents, but they can add up with many such links. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn money online quickly and legitimately, and some people can even become rich through it.


 You don't even need your product for affiliate marketing. You market other people's goods and services and receive a commission (only in case of success) when they are purchased through your link. Of course, you need a distribution channel for this. It can be simple advertising on Facebook or Instagram. You can also use your online store, a blog, or your social media channels. Instagram and YouTube are particularly popular for this purpose.

How much can I earn?

 Successful affiliates can earn over $100,000 per month in commissions. However, this is only achievable by selling high-priced top coaching programs with commissions of up to $30,000 and running corresponding ads. As a beginner, you should start slowly, but after a few weeks, you can generate between $1000 and $3000 in passive income.

6. Making Money Online with Cashback:

 Another affiliate marketing variant is cashback. You're probably familiar with cashback systems like Payback. Providers like or often offer an even better deal. When you sign up with them and make an online purchase at their partner stores, you can indirectly earn money. Alternatively, you can insert partner links to these stores into your shop and earn commissions again.

7. Make money online by Dropshipping:

 Dropshipping means sourcing goods and products at a low cost (often from China and and selling them at a markup on Amazon FBA ("Fulfillment by Amazon") or in your own online shops or social media channels. The significant difference from traditional online retail is that you don't need to purchase, store, or ship the goods yourself. Instead, you set up your shop system so that the customer's order is forwarded directly to the manufacturer (in Asia), who then ships the products directly to the customer. This way, the profit margin remains with you with minimal effort. It can hardly get any simpler.


 For dropshipping to work and for you to earn money online, you need good products with high demand. This is the real art, of finding genuine bestsellers. You should also avoid products with high return rates, such as clothing and tech gadgets if they don't fit or don't work. Simple and useful products for everyday life or the kitchen work best.

How much can I earn?

 Since dropshipping has become more popular, online stores are cropping up like mushrooms. Meaning: it's increasingly challenging to make easy money with it. Typically, you'll need between 2000 and 3000 USD in initial capital, including advertising to make your shop known. However, once the store is up and running, and you have a keen sense for bestsellers, you can earn a five-figure income with it.

8. Make money online by Crafting and Selling Used Goods:

 Speaking of online retail: you can also turn self-made products from home or used items you no longer need into money on the internet. This can be done without any investment and allows you to earn money immediately. Perhaps you even want to open a second-hand store for branded clothing? Otherwise, you can use digital flea markets like eBay, eBay-Kleinanzeigen, or Kleiderkreisel for the resale of used items, as well as and Amazon for marketing handmade products.

TIP: Used electronic devices like old cell phones can also be turned into money quickly on the internet through services like or

9. Make money online by Testing Websites:

 A website or app should not only look good but also be easy and intuitive to use. Before a website goes online, it is tested, not only by developers and operators but also by independent testers who represent normal users without prior knowledge. Your task is to click through the website for payment, try out different functions, and then report what you liked, where there were difficulties, and what might not have worked. In return, you receive an appropriate fee.


 There are no specific requirements for this job. However, you often need to belong to the target audience of the website or app to simultaneously test whether the product appeals to potential customers and users.

How much can I earn?

 The earnings for product or website testing are generally in the middle range. On average, you can be paid between 20 and 50 USD per test. The payment may also depend on the scope of the test and subsequent report. Providers for this include,,, and

10. Make money online by Testing Computer Games:

 The same job, just a different product: Computer games also need thorough testing before they are sold. Testers are regularly sought to find errors in the game, instructions, or gameplay structure (so-called bugs). It may sound like fun and easy work, but you shouldn't take the online job lightly. A lot depends on the testing for the makers of computer games and apps. To make money online with this, you need to be highly attentive and thoroughly document what you notice.


 You should be a good gamer and have played some games before. Ideally, you are familiar with similar games on the market and can, therefore, better judge whether the new game is better or where usability suffers.

How much can I earn?

 As a game tester, you are usually employed on a project basis and earn between 12 and 15 USD per hour. Salary increases with experience. As a freelancer, the hourly wage is also hardly above the minimum wage. However, you can play new games for free in your spare time.

11. Make money from the Internet by Becoming an Influencer:

 It's now well-known that you can make good money quickly and legitimately as a creator and influencer on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok. On YouTube, this is done through advertising that appears before, during, and after videos and through product placements. On Instagram and TikTok, you primarily earn online money with recommendations and sponsored posts (which must be marked as "advertisement"). Income and business models depend heavily on your reach and your niche. For fashion, fitness, or travel bloggers, there are many companies interested in collaborations. The same applies to financial tips or nutrition. The more niche your topic, the lower the potential reach - and thus the sponsors and income sources are usually.


 You should be able to produce good videos. The quality of clips on video platforms is continually improving. That means creative ideas, good cameras, excellent microphones, and a good editing program are essential requirements. However, high-quality smartphones already provide many of these. Your reach should also be right: micro-influencers start at 10,000 followers. From 100,000, it becomes genuinely interesting for most companies.

How much can I earn?

The more people watch your videos, the greater your earnings. Large YouTubers and Instagram influencers earn over a million euros per year, but they are the minority. Realistic earnings range from 3,000 to 5,000 USD per month. However, you need to post interesting clips regularly, which are favored by the platforms' algorithms.

12. Make money from the Internet by Selling Photos and Videos:

 If you can produce good videos and photos, you can more easily earn money online by offering them as a service to others. Many companies are looking for good video producers for their social media channels, and you can also offer and upload good (stock) photos on platforms like or If they are downloaded for a fee, you can create a small passive income. Ten commercial images generate around 1.50 USD per month.

13. Make money online by offering virtual Assistance:

 Many companies employ an assistant for tasks like phone calls, emails, and accounting. However, these assistants don't necessarily have to be seated at a desk in the company office anymore. As a virtual personal assistant (VPA), you can also handle typical office tasks for others and make money online. Scheduling appointments, preparing presentations, making phone calls, or answering emails – all typical tasks for online work.


 The basics are a powerful laptop and a good internet connection or stable phone line. After that, you can get started. However, it's recommended to have prior knowledge and experience in assistance and correspondence – as you typically represent the company's executives and should meet their requirements and business conduct.

How much can I earn?

As a virtual assistant, you work independently and set your fees. The hourly rate depends on the scope and requirements of the job. A typical net hourly wage is around 20 USD or more.

14. Make money from the Internet by Becoming a Clickworker:

 Especially with smartphones and apps, it's now easy to earn money through micro-jobs as a Clickworker. These often involve typical student jobs. Sometimes, you might have to photograph advertising posters, proofread texts, collect data, or research addresses. These are mostly simple tasks carried out as independent work. You'll be connected to suitable platforms and apps, such as


 Practically none. Even unskilled workers without a high school diploma can earn a few extra USD with these simple online jobs on the internet.

How much can I earn?

 The fees vary widely. Some providers pay only a few cents for five minutes of work. According to an NDR test, this results in an hourly wage of just 2.40 USD. However, depending on the job, you could earn up to 30 USD per hour. So, it's worth comparing.

15. Make money from the Internet by Teach Online Courses:

Online courses and webinars are in high demand, but they're also becoming increasingly available. Digital education has the advantage of being location-independent and flexible in terms of time. As a provider, once created, you only need to sell your courses. This can also lead to passive income. Of course, as a course provider, you should be knowledgeable and an expert in your subject. Otherwise, customers won't return. You can offer courses online via video, as email newsletters, or as ready-to-download PDFs. Live sessions and mastermind groups are also sought after.


 In addition to your expertise, you should have teaching skills – knowing how to convey knowledge online. If you work with videos, production know-how, design, and editing skills will be helpful.

How much can I earn?

How much you earn with online courses depends on demand and your pricing. If you want to sell your course for 500 USD but the competition offers the same service for 79 USD, it will be difficult. Tip: Try to offer something that you are exceptionally good at, something people want to know but can't find elsewhere. That way, you can avoid price competition.

 Dear reader, in conclusion, we have provided you with 15 unique ways to start making money on the Internet. Feel free to choose one of these methods and begin your new life of earning substantial income online. Good luck.


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