What is Augmented Reality (AR)? And what are some of its applications?

 What is Augmented Reality (AR)? And what are some of its applications?

What is Augmented Reality (AR)? And what are some of its applications?
What is Augmented Reality (AR)? And what are some of its applications?

What is Augmented Reality (AR)? And what are some of its applications?

 Augmented Reality (AR) is a recent term that has emerged with the openness of education to technology and the desire of educators and proponents to leverage the latest technological advancements to motivate learners and make the learning process more enjoyable, exciting, and engaging. 

 Augmented Reality technology has easily found its way into the field of education, contributing to redefining learning and giving it purpose and meaning. So, what exactly is Augmented Reality, and how can it be employed in education?

Article elements:

  1. what is Augmented Reality?
  2. Some Applications of Augmented Reality.

Firstly, what is Augmented Reality?

1. Definition of Augmented Reality:

Augmented Reality is a type of virtual reality that aims to replicate the real environment on a computer and enhance it with virtual elements that are not part of it. In other words, an Augmented Reality system generates a composite display for the user that blends the real scene the user is looking at with the virtual scene created by the computer, which enhances the real scene with additional information.

The virtual scene, or virtual scene, created by the computer aims to improve the sensory perception of the real world that the user sees or interacts with. Augmented Reality aims to create a system where the difference between the real world and the additions made using Augmented Reality technology is imperceptible. 

When someone uses this technology to view their surrounding environment, the objects in that environment are provided with information that floats around them and integrates with the image the person is looking at.

Today, Augmented Reality technology is used in fields such as entertainment, military training, engineering design, robotics, manufacturing, and other industries. It is gradually being integrated into education as well.

To learn more about Augmented Reality technology, we invite you to read this article in its entirety with focus.

2. History of Augmented Reality:

It is believed that the term "Augmented Reality" was coined by former Boeing researcher Thomas Caudell in 1990. However, the concept had been used decades before Thomas, with the earliest applications of Augmented Reality dating back to the late 1960s and 1970s. 

In 1962, Morton Heilig, a cinematographer, designed a motorcycle simulator device called the Sensorama, which provided audio, visual, and even olfactory experiences. In 1966, Ivan Sutherland developed the first head-mounted display for three-dimensional viewing. In 1975, Myron Krueger created Videoplace, a system that allowed users to interact with virtual objects.

Before 1990, Augmented Reality technology was exclusively used by many major companies for simulation, training, and other purposes. However, this scenario gradually changed thanks to the advancement of wireless technology, the miniaturization of technical devices, and the adaptation of software required by Augmented Reality for testing on personal computers and mobile devices.

Mobile applications of Augmented Reality started emerging in 2008, with mapping and social communication being the first beneficiaries of this technology. Its use in training, particularly in the medical and military fields, has seen significant advancements. However, the application of Augmented Reality in education is still in its early stages.

3. How does Augmented Reality technology work?

Augmented Reality technology relies on the system's ability to link real-world features to the corresponding virtual elements stored in its memory. These virtual elements can include geographic coordinates, location information, instructional videos, or any other information that enhances the real world. 

Augmented Reality software utilizes the camera of a mobile phone tablet, or computer camera, to perceive the real world and analyze it based on the program's requirements. It then integrates the virtual elements into the real-world view.

It's worth noting that there are two main methods of implementing Augmented Reality. The first method involves using markers that can be captured and recognized by the camera, allowing the associated information to be displayed. The second method utilizes geographic location through GPS or image recognition software to display relevant information.

Secondly - Some Applications of Augmented Reality:

1. The Potential of Augmented Reality:

Imagine living in a magical world like Harry Potter, where school corridors are adorned with dozens of interactive paintings that come to life. Now, imagine yourself as a teacher with the ability to create interactive virtual worlds filled with information and intricate details.

 If this could be realized in the real world, it would undoubtedly change students' perception of school, making them eager to study with unparalleled enthusiasm and enjoyment. But did you know that this concept has transitioned from the realm of science fiction to the real world, thanks to Augmented Reality (AR) technology? Yes, this technology allows you to overlay virtual layers of digital information onto the physical world, which can be viewed through smart devices that are now accessible to students and teachers alike. 

With Augmented Reality products like Elements 4D, students can manipulate chemical elements and create virtual interactions between them using their smart devices, rather than merely reading about them in textbooks. They can also perform human body dissections through applications like Anatomy 4D, allowing users to explore the human body and isolate different body systems.

The promising possibilities offered by Augmented Reality technology in education have prompted advanced countries to take an interest in utilizing it to make education more interactive and realistic. In this context, the European Union has adopted the project iTacitus.org for teaching European history, where visitors can focus their mobile phone lenses on certain historical areas to witness historical events. 

Additionally, the University of Wisconsin in the United States uses the Augmented Reality IS program to create a virtual gaming environment that can be integrated into the curriculum. The German company Metaio is also working on developing interactive books that come to life when the mobile phone camera is directed at them.

2. Applications of Augmented Reality in Education:

When it comes to integrating technology into education, the human mind unleashes its creativity without limits, producing innovative ideas that turn science fiction into tangible reality. Augmented Reality (AR) technology is no exception to this rule, and the possibilities of how it can be employed are boundless. Here, we will highlight some examples, purely for inspiration and as a starting point, not an exhaustive list.

Classroom Applications:

Several applications can be used to bring augmented reality technology into your classroom, and we will discuss them in more detail in a separate article. These applications allow users to create and engage in their own augmented reality experiences effortlessly, using their personal or school devices.

Enhanced Homework Assignments:

Augmented reality technology can be used to support learners and guide them as they complete their homework assignments. When a student struggles with a particular task, they can use the camera on their mobile device to focus on the challenging point. This will trigger a pre-recorded video explanation from their teacher, helping them understand the concept and providing additional resources to assist in problem-solving.

Interactive Photo Gallery:

Augmented reality technology can be utilized to create a photo gallery of faculty members near the school entrance. Visitors can use their mobile phones to examine any teacher's photo, bringing it to life and providing information about the person.

Book Presentations:

Students can record a brief presentation about a book they have just read. This presentation can then be converted into a digital information card using a specialized program designed for this purpose. The card is attached to the book cover, allowing anyone to instantly access the recorded presentation and learn about the book by scanning the information card with a mobile phone.

Parental Encouragement:

Brief recorded messages from parents are made to encourage their children, and an informational card or expressive image is attached to each child's seat. These can be referred to and browsed using a mobile phone whenever the learner needs encouragement and motivation from their parents.

Interactive Photo Album:

An album of photos can be prepared for the activities of the school year, such as parties, outings, seminars, and the like. Anyone who wants to learn additional information about a specific activity can pass their mobile phone over the photo to display a video of the activity, along with all the related information, statistics, and reports.

Safety Lab:

Pictures or cards with safety symbols are prepared and placed throughout the science lab. When students scan them with their smart device cameras, they activate multimedia content that familiarizes them with different safety procedures and protocols related to lab equipment.

Educational Cards for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing:

Using augmented reality technology, educational cards can be created containing vocabulary words linked to video clips that demonstrate how to express these words using sign language.

These were some innovative ideas that effectively employ augmented reality technology in the classroom. Since we're talking about innovation as the opposite of stagnation and the paralysis of thought, the real treasure lies in the vast sea of ideas that this technology will generate when explored and its secrets discovered. 

To be more practical, as we always strive to be in "Talim Jadid," we will provide you with applications in a later article, God willing, that will turn your smart devices into real magic wands, transforming your classrooms into magical worlds brimming with knowledge, fun, and excitement—the three elements that, when combined, constitute effective learning.


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