Making money from selling domains.

 Making money from selling domains.

 Today, we will learn about how to profit from domain trading, buying, and selling domains, which is one of the most popular ways to make money online and has been gaining more popularity day by day due to the potential for significant profits.

Making money from selling domains.
Making money from selling domains.

Profiting from Buying and Selling Domains.

 The number of websites is increasing exponentially every day, and every website owner needs a unique domain name that helps spread and distinguish their website among millions of other websites. Here is where we come in, by attempting to acquire these unique domains and then offering them for sale at a higher price, potentially earning millions of dollars - if you're lucky - by obtaining a distinctive domain before anyone else.

 To understand how profitable it can be for you, consider that domains have been sold for millions of dollars, such as, which was sold for $35.6 million in 2010. However, it's important to note that the profitability of domain trading depends on the capital you start with. 

 You can try to compensate for the capital by putting in more effort in searching for distinctive domains and grabbing them as soon as you find them. Luck also plays a significant role, as a domain's sudden importance can emerge with the appearance of a company with the same name.

 You can start by purchasing some short and good domains that you find suitable for websites with numbers, for example, using available Namecheap coupons for less than a dollar, then reselling them for much higher amounts on certain websites and forums. However, buying quad or triad premium domains or other strong domains will require much larger amounts, and it will involve additional steps that we will discuss later. Some people may buy a domain for $10,000 or $100,000, confident that they will resell it for even higher amounts.

Important tools you must have for starting domain buying and selling:

 To begin trading domains, you need to have a method for payment and receiving funds. Here are some essential tools:

  • Visa or MasterCard for purchasing domains.
  • A PayPal account for payment processing.
  • An American bank account to receive your earnings from certain websites.
  • Accounts on specific websites to facilitate domain buying and selling.

Firstly, here are some websites for buying and selling domains:

  • Namecheap: One of the best global websites for domain registration. It offers a wide range of very cheap extensions, some starting from as low as 48 cents. Namecheap also provides monthly offers for domain purchases and transfers.
  • Namecheap Marketplace: This service allows you to buy domains and also list your domain for sale.
  • Sedo: One of the most important websites where you should have an account for buying and selling premium domains through auctions and direct sales. Sedo offers various premium tools.
  • Flippa: One of the most important and best websites for selling domains, websites, mobile applications, and Amazon FBA stores.

What is a domain, what are domain extensions, and what is their importance?

 A domain, also known as a web address or URL, is the name of a website on the internet. It serves as a replacement for the IP address, which is the numerical address of a website. A domain consists of a name and an extension.

For example

  • "salyou" is the website name.
  • "com" is the domain extension.

 When choosing a name, you can select any desired combination of letters, numbers, and hyphens. The extension represents the type of website or organization. There are various extensions available, including country-specific extensions. The three most common extensions are:

  • com: This is a commercial extension and is the most widely used for all types of websites, whether commercial or non-commercial.
  • net: This extension is often used for service-oriented websites, networks, and online portals.
  • org: This extension is for non-governmental organizations and non-profit entities.

 Additionally, there are other important extensions such as .info, .biz, .xyz, .gov, .edu, and more. Country-specific extensions include .uk, .co, .mx, and others.

 It's important to note that the choice of extension can greatly impact the value and professionalism of a domain. It's not necessary to have a premium .com domain to engage in profitable domain trading. Many extensions can be sold at much higher prices than a .com domain.

 For example, GoDaddy offers around 643 extensions. When you explore these extensions, you'll find that when combined with certain letters or words, they can create unique and valuable domain names. For instance, the extension "energy" combined with a word like "solar" forms the domain "solar. energy," which can be sold for a significant price. This domain is already listed on GoDaddy for $100,000.

 By continuously following new extensions, you can acquire extremely valuable domains that can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Quick ways to profit from domain trading without prior experience:

  • Start where the experts left off: Begin by exploring the domain marketplaces such as Flippa. This platform requires a subscription to sell your own domain, attracting experienced individuals who know how to generate significant profits from their domains.
  • Check featured or editor's choice domains first: Focus on examining the featured or editor's choice domains within the marketplace. These domains are often selected for their potential value.
  • Choose high-value domains with popular extensions: Look for domains that catch your attention and have a higher price tag. Preferably, these domains should have extensions like .com, .net, or .org. It's recommended to target keyword domains, i.e., domains that consist of a highly searched term. You can determine the popularity of a keyword by searching it on Google or using Google Trends to see its search trend.
  • Note down potential domains: Make a list of these domains and proceed to a domain registrar website. Namecheap is a good option as it offers various inexpensive extensions. Purchase the same domain but with a different extension available at a low cost, ranging from $0.48 to $2.
  • Offer the domains for sale: List these additional extensions on platforms like Namecheap for an average price of $10. Repeat this process for every valuable domain you find. You'll be surprised by the profits you can generate, typically 5 to 10 times your initial investment, within a time frame of approximately one year, depending on the domains.

 This strategy leverages the opportunity presented by low-cost extensions and takes advantage of potential buyers who are searching for a domain with a popular extension but are willing to settle for a different extension at a much lower price. By capitalizing on these opportunities, you can achieve significant returns on your investment.

How can I find premium domains for trading?

 Finding premium domains for trading can be done by acquiring new premium domains or by scavenging expired domains.

1. Searching for expired domains:

Expired domains refer to domains that were previously registered but not renewed by their owners for various reasons. You can find millions of expired domains on websites like After that, you can filter them based on extension, number of characters, exclusion of numbers, backlink count, or registration in website directories like DMOZ, among other filters.

2. Discovering new premium domains:

In this case, the goal is to search for newly available domains that have a distinct name and have not been previously used. A domain is considered premium if it meets the following criteria:

  1. It has a simple and meaningful name.
  2. It is easy to remember.
  3. It is short, preferably containing three or four characters.
  4. It includes attractive repeated letters.
  5. It does not contain numbers (unless trading in foreign websites; the situation may vary with Arabic domains).
  6. It is a keyword with a high search volume on Google.
  7. Alternatively, it is a keyword with a high cost-per-click.

 Keywords are the terms people enter into search engines like Google when looking for something online. 

 There are many tools available, such as Google's free Keyword Planner, that can help you identify these keywords.

Important Steps to Verify the Domain Before Purchasing It:

 When you find a good domain, there are some steps you should take to ensure that this domain stands out and is worth buying alongside its name.

First, make sure that the domain is not banned in Google: 

 Google is the largest and best search network, and if the domain is banned in this giant search engine, it is of no use because you will lose millions of visitors who are searching for your website's content through Google.

 You can check if the domain is banned in Google by searching in Google's cache. You can do this by typing "" after the colon and see if the domain you are searching for is available or not.

Second, make sure that the domain is not banned in Google AdSense. 

 Google AdSense is one of the most famous and best ways to monetize websites, and having your website banned by AdSense is a very unfortunate matter that you should verify before purchasing the domain.

 You can check if the website is banned in AdSense or not through these websites:


 However, this does not mean that if you find a distinctive three or four-letter domain, you should not reserve it and contact Google to try to remove this ban.

Third, ensure the domain authority and page authority of the domain:

 Domain authority is one of the most important factors for website ranking on Google. It also provides an indication of the strength of backlinks associated with the domain. Therefore, obtaining a domain with high domain authority is an excellent opportunity to benefit from it or resell it later.

You can check the domain authority and page authority (DA and PA) through:


Fourth: View the archive of the domain:

 Viewing the content and archive of a domain gives you a clear idea of its content over the years. If you find poor content, content in Chinese, or other undesirable content, it's best to stay away from that domain.

You can view the archive of any website through:

 Enter the domain name to view the content of the website over the years. Choose the desired year and view the screenshot, which shows the exact appearance of the website.

Fifth: Check the domain's history of transfers and WHOIS records:

 Here, you can view the domain's transfer history over the years, which gives you an idea of the domain's strength or weakness, the number of times it has been dropped, and other important information.

You can find this information through:


Sixth: Checking the website's PageRank:

  Although PageRank is no longer important for ranking websites on Google, having a domain with a high PageRank is still a good opportunity. Some people invest in creating a website and then reselling links and backlinks to other websites because having links from high PageRank websites significantly improves your search engine results. It has several advantages and other benefits.

 You can check the PageRank of the website from here:


Domain Age or Domain Lifecycle Stages:

 If we manage to find an expired domain that we want to purchase, we need to know at which stage the domain currently is. It's not just about the domain becoming available for registration again. There are several stages that the expired domain goes through before it becomes available for registration again, known as the domain's lifecycle stages.

First Stage: Available Domains

 Here, the domain is not owned by anyone and is available for anyone to register from any domain registration website like GoDaddy.

Second Stage: Registered Domain

Here, the domain is owned by someone who purchased it, whether for a year or more.

Phase Three: Expired Domain

 In this phase, the domain has expired, meaning that the domain owner did not renew it. The company suspends the domain, and as a result, the website becomes unavailable within 24 hours after the domain's expiration. The domain owner is contacted to renew it. During this time, the original domain owner can renew the domain without any issues. It's important to note that the domain cannot be transferred to another domain registrar until it has been renewed with the same company.

 During this period, no one else can purchase the domain. The duration of this phase can range from one day to 45 days, depending on the policy of each website. You can contact the domain registrar company to find out when the domain will become available again.

Redemption (Grace) Period:

After the previous phase, the domain enters a new phase called the Redemption (Grace) Period. During this one-month period, the domain owner can renew the domain again, but hefty fees are imposed. The name itself implies that the domain can be redeemed in exchange for these high fees.

Pending Delete:

 In this phase, called the Pending Delete phase, the domain owner cannot reclaim the domain. It lasts for five days, during which you cannot take any action except wait for the domain to become available again.

 After this, the domain returns to the first phase, where anyone can register it again. However, do premium expired domains wait for the last phase to be purchased by domain investors?

 Certainly not. Before the domain is released again and reaches the final phase, where it becomes available to everyone, it is put up for auction. The highest bidder wins the domain.

 Here are some websites where you can participate in auctions for expired domains during this phase:


Websites where you can list domains for sale:

 After acquiring a unique domain, you can list it for sale on websites such as Sedo, Namecheap, and Flippa.

  • Namecheap website
  • Sedo website

 You can directly list the domain for sale after purchasing it, or you can wait for a while. Additionally, you can enhance the domain further by creating a website on it, improving its authority, increasing the number of strong backlinks, and considering all the mentioned points when verifying the domain.

 If you don't know how to do it correctly, you can seek assistance from freelancers on microservice websites. However, it is important to ensure that it is done correctly to avoid any negative consequences or leaving it as it is.

 Finally, I hope that you have benefited and learned how to start in the domain trading business, buying and selling domains. Don't forget to share the article with your friends to spread the knowledge.


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