make money online, The 40 best methods.

 make money online, The 40 best methods.

make money online, The 40 best methods.
make money online, The 40 best methods.

The top 40 ways to make money online.

 I have collected over 40 different cool ways to make money online for you, with and without investments. They all have different levels of complexity and profitability, but at the same time, they are all effective.

 Hello. In this article, I would like to talk about making money online, a topic that interests many people. Many believe that it's all a lie, that making money online is impossible, and that it's better to work in a factory or a supermarket. However, I have been successfully earning money online for several years, and I don't feel the need for a regular job.

Is making money online a myth or reality? 

 Making money online is no longer a myth. Right now, you can go to a random freelance marketplace, take a project there, and get paid. 100-200-300 USD for a few hours of work. And if you have no skills at all, you can try PTC sites (paid-to-click). It's easy to make 10-15 USD there and withdraw to your phone. 

 The question is, can you make decent money online? At least 1000 thousand USD per month. In general, making money online is completely real, and I have long proven it to myself. I believe that you will easily see it too if you just give it a try.

 Making money online without investments. Probably, many people want to earn money without any special financial investments. I emphasize the word "financial" because it's impossible to do it completely "without investments" here. You will have to spend time, sometimes a significant amount. At first, the earnings may not be huge. But you have to start somewhere, right?

Method 1: making money online on clicks (PTC sites). 

 The easiest form of earning that doesn't require any investments. You just need to go to a PTC site, register, and that's it, you can start making money. However, the maximum you can expect there is 100 USD per day. And that's if you work from dawn to dusk, clicking on ads, completing repetitive tasks for 0.50 USD, and so on. 

 People post simple tasks there, and you complete them to earn money. These tasks are usually related to watching ads or clicking on ads. There are various types of tasks as well. Most often, they ask you to register on a service and perform a series of simple actions. In general, PTC sites revolve around advertising.

  Nowadays, PTC sites are gradually losing their relevance. If 5-6 years ago it was an excellent way to earn some extra money through referral programs, now this option is suitable only for schoolchildren who want to earn a little money to buy games on Steam.

  If PTC sites are losing their relevance, why did you include them in this list, you might ask? Simply put, this method is one of the simplest. Even a child can handle it.

  You can also give it a try and earn your first money online. Experience it, so to speak.

Method 2: making money online through surveys.

 You can earn money by taking surveys. To do this, you just need to find suitable survey services, register, and start taking surveys.

The pay for surveys is not very high, but no skills are required. You will need to fill out a special questionnaire about yourself so that the system can provide you with the most suitable tasks.

Typically, the following information is required:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Marital status
  • Education
  • Place of work
  • Interests/hobbies
  • Possession of technology, cars, real estate
  • And so on.

 Many people are afraid of taking this step because they think their data will be used somewhere. Don't worry, reputable services will never trade the personal information of their users.

 There are also dishonest resources that violate the rights of users in every possible way. And some don't pay at all, constantly changing the minimum withdrawal amount. Fraud exists everywhere, and this method is no exception.

 I can only advise you to check the reliability of resources—enter their name in the search bar and look for real reviews. If a resource is bad, the reviews about it will be among the first positions in the results.

 I will also provide you with a small list of websites where you can earn money by taking surveys. All these resources have been tested by users and have fairly good reviews.

Websites for making money through surveys:

  • Currently the best project of its kind, it has been on the market for 17 years. During this time, it has gathered 980,000 participants who are paid over 2 million USD as rewards for taking surveys every week. It stands out from other survey platforms with its convenient money withdrawal system (offering popular and everyday options).
  • Moemnenie: This site is essentially similar to, except for the reward system. Instead of money, you receive bonuses that can be exchanged for smart speakers, smartphones, coffee makers, and other useful items that you can keep for yourself or sell profitably on platforms like Avito.
  • Expertnoe Mnenie: A decent survey platform with good reviews and a pleasant interface.
  • Anketolog: Another popular resource with paid surveys. Recently, it has been actively promoted and improved.
  • YouThink: A simple website where you can take paid surveys.
  • Myiyo: A highly popular platform with a vast number of surveys. It operates not only in the CIS countries but also worldwide. Participants appreciate the high number of surveys available and the decent rates for completing them. The downside is that the payouts are only available through PayPal.

 It's better to register on multiple survey sites right away. This will allow you to earn more frequently and earn more money.

Method 3: Make money online through a captcha entry.

 Another very simple method of quickly earning small (critically small) amounts of money online is by solving captchas. For this, services will pay you from a few cents to a few USD.

 With the right dedication, you can earn around 100-200 USD per day. However, this requires continuously sitting in front of the monitor to earn those 200 USD.

 This method is suitable for students. If you have nothing else to do, you can listen to music or watch a series while slowly entering captchas.

 Websites for making money through captcha entry:

  • RuCaptcha: A popular service that allows beginners to earn money from home by solving captchas. It offers average rates and provides instant withdrawals through various methods.
  • 2Captcha: A similar service for captcha solving. The interface is identical to RuCaptcha, but the payment is in dollars.
  • Kolotibablo: A good website for earning money through captcha recognition. It has been operating for over 15 years (since 2007). It is well-known for receiving positive reviews from both clients and employees.

Method 4. Making money online by Watching Ads.

 You install a special extension, and every 30-60 seconds, ads appear on the side, and you get money for it. The ads will not block content or bother you in any way.

 You can earn approximately 0.015 to 0.025 USD per view. If you actively use the service, it can increase your rate.

 List of websites for earning money by watching ads:

  • SurfEarner;
  • Surfe. be;
  • BuxMoney;
  • TeaserFast;
  • SocPublic.

 Some services also offer to earn money by watching videos on YouTube, completing simple tasks, etc. They don't pay as much, but they can be a good source of passive income without investments.

Method 5. making money online through File Sharing Services.

 This is a good method that involves distributing files through special services called file-sharing services. People download files (and to download them, they are forced to watch ads), and you get money for it.

 You can distribute files through websites, messengers, social media groups, etc. Your earnings directly depend on the number of file downloads. It can also depend on the country of the person downloading the file and watching the ads.

 Ads targeting users from the US or Norway will be more expensive than for Russia or Ukraine. The file-sharing service will earn more money, and so will you.

 So, if you upload a "very useful file" and strategically place it somewhere, you can make a good profit from it.

 There are still many websites with software that distribute files through file-sharing services.

Here are a few file-sharing websites:

  • File-Mix - a popular Russian file-sharing service that allows you to earn from 9 to 86$ per download. The minimum withdrawal is 100$, and it accepts files up to 100MB.
  • VexFile - an English file-sharing service where the minimum price per download is 10 cents. The minimum withdrawal is $5.
  • Cpinap - another English file-sharing service that offers up to $7 per conversion. It uses a more complex monetization system - CPA (cost per action).

Method 6: making money online through likes and comments on social media:

 Currently, there are numerous services available that are willing to pay people for likes and comments on various social media platforms. Finding them is not difficult; simply enter such a phrase in a search engine, and it will immediately provide you with a dozen similar projects.

 Simply visit any service, create an account, connect to the desired social media platform, and start working. The earnings may be modest, but it is a good alternative to paid-to-click (PTC) sites or captcha.

  • Comment: An excellent service that allows you to earn money by writing comments and likes.
  • VKtarget: Earnings through various tasks on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, and Twitter. The service has been operating since 2012 and is currently quite popular.
  • V-like: Another service for earning on Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. It is popular among clients.
  • Cashbox: Earn money by completing simple tasks on popular social media platforms. This platform is relatively new and has a pleasant interface.

Potential earnings: 100-500 USD per day.

Method 7: making money online through reviews:

 Review websites attract a large number of users and traffic. They earn through advertising and share their income with review authors. These platforms primarily aim to attract genuine consumers, those who have tried a product or used a service. Such reviews are valuable and in demand in the market.

 You can also earn by publishing your comments on various platforms. Most often, you get paid for the publication itself (after moderation) and views. Additionally, you can join affiliate programs and earn a percentage from anyone who decides to make a purchase based on your recommendation.

 The payment for this type of work is not substantial, approximately 5-10 USD per review publication and around 0.05-0.1 USD per view. However, the cost may vary depending on the product or service for which the review is published. There are both higher-paying and lower-paying niches.

 This method is suitable for beginners who wish to explore online earning opportunities. It is difficult to make serious money through this method because, to write reviews for any products, you must purchase and genuinely try them. The same applies to services and other offerings.

 Some people write reviews for other people's products and services. For example, they ask their acquaintances to provide comments and take photos. Then, they organize everything neatly and publish it. However, is it worth the effort for 5-10 USD? Perhaps for some, especially since higher views can lead to more earnings.

List of review websites:

  • I recommend: A popular platform for posting reviews on products, services, websites, etc. They strive to publish only honest reviews from real users. They promise up to 100 USD per review and an additional 50 USD per thousand views.
  • Vse Otzyvy: A website where you can write reviews for bonuses. It has many different sections, such as household appliances, movies, electronics, cinema, etc.
  • Otzovik: Another project that offers users the opportunity to earn by reviewing various products and services. They only pay for unique content, so you cannot simply copy and paste an existing comment onto the website.

 There are other review websites as well, both popular and lesser-known ones. It is advisable to approach the latter with caution, as they may not pay or even cause harm.

 Therefore, I recommend focusing only on popular projects that have already proven themselves, such as the ones mentioned above. They have been operating for several years, pay everyone, and are the largest review platforms in the Russian-speaking internet space.

To earn some money, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • The review should be as realistic as possible. It would be good to include several unique photos that prove you owned and used the item in question. If it's about something online, you can publish screenshots.
  • The text of the review itself should be well-structured, and divided into paragraphs and subheadings. It would be even better if it did not contain any spelling or punctuation errors.
  • Try to promote your review to gain more views. For example, repost it on social media or ask your friends to check it out. This way, you can get initial views, and perhaps your publication will make it to the homepage.

Method 8. Making money online by Writing Texts.

 Copywriting is the process of solving specific tasks through text. Surely you have also heard of this type of activity.

 Currently, it's a kind of masterpiece, and almost any reasonably literate beginner can go to a copywriting exchange, find a suitable order there, complete it, and earn their first money. Not too big, but not as small either (like on click-based platforms, for example).

 Most often, on exchanges, you can find orders for web writing - writing articles for informational projects or blogs. In my opinion, it's much easier to work with them.

 Although many clients don't take you and your work seriously, offering to spend 5+ hours and get 70-80 USD for it, plus a small boost to your rating. But, as I mentioned, you have to start small. Exchange copywriting is no exception.

 To earn on exchanges, you don't have to be a super professional. Usually, cheap orders for beginners are published there. To earn more, you will have to develop: improve your skills in a specific area, enhance the quality of your texts, in general - become an expert. Expert materials are paid much better.

 To earn your first money by writing texts, you should go to a copywriting exchange. There you can try out this craft and gain experience.

Popular copywriting exchanges:

  • Etxt
  • Workhard.Online
  • Advego
  • ContentMonster
  • Turbotext

 You can also try finding clients on social networks. Currently, there are many different groups on Vkontakte with advertisements from employers.

Places where you can find copywriting orders:

  • Podslushano Copywriting
  • Work in the media
  • Work for writers
  • Catalog of work for editors
  • Norm work

 How much can you earn: up to 60-70 thousand USD with intensive work and high rates, sometimes more

Method 9. Making money online through freelancing.

 Freelancing is a form of employment that involves completing specific tasks for money.

 In essence, copywriting is also freelancing. However, I have highlighted it as a separate category to indicate some differences between a copywriter and a freelancer.

 The former works only with text and not always for different clients. The latter, on the other hand, lives from one order to another, constantly seeking clients and performing various kinds of work. But these are novice freelancers.

 More experienced freelancers, on the contrary, specialize in one area and increase their earnings several times over.

 Freelancing is a lifestyle. You are constantly on the lookout, working when you want and where you want. There are no bosses or alarms. You wake up, have a leisurely breakfast, and start looking for orders on exchanges or the same social networks.

Popular freelance exchanges for beginners:

  • Work-Zilla
  • Kwork
  • FL.Ru

 The range of services performed by freelancers is very diverse. It can include programming, writing texts, and even voice-overs.

 Each field has its prices for orders, some higher, some lower. I would advise you to choose the field that pleases you, even if it's not the most lucrative one.

How much can you earn: 10,000 to 20,000 USD per month (but it all depends on the number of orders and their cost).

Method 10. Making money online through remote work.

 Strangely enough, remote work is also closely connected to the internet. In essence, it can be called earning money online, as it would hardly be possible without a network.

 Many people are now transitioning to remote work. What could be better - get up, have breakfast, and you're at work? No long commutes to the other end of the city, and so on.

 For remote work, you will need a computer and a good internet connection. Nothing else is required. However, in some specific job positions, the requirements may expand.

The most popular remote job positions include:

  • Programmer/Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Content Writer
  • Assistant Manager
  • Content Manager
  • Advertising Manager
  • Technical Support Specialist
  • SMM Specialist/Manager
  • And more.

 When applying for remote work, you may be asked for a resume. Also, if it involves a specific profession, a portfolio may be required.

 Usually, job listings specify all the requirements for candidates. They also include a link to a questionnaire or an email address where you need to send your applications.

 Job postings for remote work can be found on popular websites and various social networks.

 Here is a list of places where you can find remote job vacancies:

  • HH.Ru
  • Avito
  • Finder: Remote Job Vacancies
  • Distantsiya (Telegram channel)
  • Distantsiya (VKontakte group)

How much can you earn: 15,000 to 150,000 USD and higher (remote salaries vary).

Method 11. Making money online through Android/iOS Apps.

 Even for the simplest actions, you can earn money. For example, you can easily earn money by installing Android/iOS apps and completing various small tasks in them. Something like: "Download this game, reach level 5, and earn this achievement."

 Decent money is paid for this. Not a fortune, of course, but you can add it to your phone.

 The most popular apps for earning money include:

  • Appbonus - a similar app that helps you earn money from your smartphone. You can install it directly from Google Play. Promo code: THL4LW gives you an extra 3 bonus rubles.
  • AppCoins - another app that offers mobile earning opportunities through watching videos, installing apps, etc. You can install it from the Play Store.

How much can you earn: 20-40 USD per day.

Method 12. Making money online through Yandex.Toloka.

 With Yandex's service, you can easily earn money without any investment by completing simple tasks. It is very similar to a freelance exchange but with easier tasks.

 Yandex. Toloka is perfect for beginners; you don't need to learn anything - just sign up, create an account, and start earning. You will need a Yandex account to work. Then simply go to the official Toloka website and select "I am an executor."

 You will be redirected to the registration completion page, where you will need to provide your name, surname, date of birth, and other personal information. Yandex may require identity verification at any time, so provide accurate information.

 Usually, when working on Toloka, you will compare images, evaluate the quality of websites, listen to audio recordings, and determine how accurately they were recorded. The work is not dusty, so the earnings are not very high. It's great as an additional income.

 The longer you work on the platform, the more expensive tasks will become available to you. Eventually, you will be able to access orders worth 50-70 dollars.

 Most of them require installing a mobile application, but if you are serious about working on the platform, you probably already have it installed. If not, I recommend doing it right away. The Yandex. The Toloka mobile app is available for installation from Google Play and the App Store.

Method 13: Making money online through YouTube.

 You can create your informational project and monetize it. This is still relevant, especially when it comes to branded projects (when they are associated with a certain personality).

 It can be a blog or a simple article-based website on various topics. The level of income will depend on the subject matter and the monetization method.

 Advertising or affiliate programs mostly generate income. These can be both CPA networks and regular referral programs.

 The latter is especially relevant for blogs like mine. You simply recommend a service or product in your articles, people click on the links, register, make purchases, and you earn a percentage. Not bad, right?

 Webmasters typically monetize their websites using the following methods:

  • Contextual advertising
  • Teaser networks
  • Banner networks
  • Affiliate (referral) programs
  • CPA networks
  • Direct advertising
  • Selling goods or services
  • Monetization through push notifications (push ads)
  • Selling links (losing relevance gradually, but link exchanges still work)
  • And so on.

 The most profitable methods are contextual advertising and affiliate programs. Most webmasters consider these methods to be the primary ones. That's why you can find blocks with ads from Google or Yandex on almost any website.

 However, teaser banners and ads from third-party advertising networks are already rare. They are mostly placed on gray websites such as movie sites, forums on specific topics, adult content sites, etc.

 Earning on article-based websites requires a lot of effort and time. It's very rare to see immediate success with a project; usually, webmasters start seeing decent profits about a year after creating the project.

 But if they immediately start monetizing their project through affiliate programs, they can start earning money once they have some traffic.

How much can you earn: 3000-150000 USD per month.

Method 14: Making Earning money online through affiliate programs.

 You can earn a decent income by attracting customers to various services or stores. The process works as follows:

  • Register an account.
  • Obtain a personal referral link.
  • Start promoting it.

 If someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase or performs another action (such as topping up their balance, etc.), you will receive a small commission.

 Earnings from affiliate programs depend on the volume. The more people, the more money. These links are mainly promoted through personal media: VK groups, Telegram channels, websites, blogs, etc.

 Nevertheless, I still consider this type of activity as earning without investments because no one prevents you from taking the same referral link and sharing it in various comments. I'll be honest: it's not the best method, but it works in some cases.

 To effectively promote affiliate products, I recommend considering creating your own blog, community, or Telegram channel. With their help, you can redirect traffic to affiliate programs and earn money from them.

 The simplest example is creating a blog about web development, where you write articles on the topic and simultaneously include links to a certain product. The product must be of interest to your target audience. For a web development website, it could be a paid plugin or template.

 Here's how it works: people interested in web development and websites visit your blog from search engines or elsewhere. They see your recommendations in the articles, click on the links, and make purchases. You earn a percentage for that. That's it.

 You can also place banners from affiliate programs on your website. This works particularly well for thematic platforms where a large portion of visitors is interested in a specific topic. People will see the banners, click on them, go to the affiliate store, and make purchases (whether it's products or services, it doesn't matter). And once again, you'll earn from it.

 You can promote your platform absolutely without financial investments. It will take longer and be more challenging, but it's still possible.

How much can you earn? 500,000 USD and more.

Method 15. Making money online through consultations (paid consulting services).

 In a sense, this is still freelancing. However, I decided to put it in a separate category because an ordinary person cannot engage in consulting. This option is more suitable for those who have expertise in a specific field.

 For example, if you graduated from university with a law degree. It's not easy to find regular work, especially in rural areas. In that case, you can provide online consulting services to clients. People with specific problems will ask you questions, and you will answer them and get paid for it. The amount depends on your field and experience, but you will earn more money than if you were working a regular job (not always, of course, but still).

 Areas in which paid consultations are in demand:

  • Law;
  • Accounting;
  • Economics and finance;
  • Psychology;
  • Dietetics;
  • Nutrition;
  • Sports and fitness;
  • Programming;
  • Earning income;
  • Business;
  • Marketing;
  • SEO and SMM;
  • and so on.

 In general, you can provide consulting services in other areas as well. For example, many people now want to move to another country. If you have experience in this field, you can easily provide them with consultancy services. And you can charge much higher fees for that.

Where to find clients:

  • On specialized platforms and freelance exchanges. There are often orders for consulting in various fields.
  • On thematic forums, and in discussions. People ask questions related to your profile, and you answer them and offer paid consultations.
  • On job listing websites like Avito,,, etc.

 You can also attract clients through your website. But this is for those who want to engage in consulting at a very serious level. You will need to present everything professionally and demonstrate your competence (diplomas, real experience).

 However, you can set your prices for services, whereas on specialized platforms, you may earn significantly less.

How much can you earn? 20,000-50,000 USDS per month and more.

Method 16. Making money online through YouTube Channels.

 This is an excellent earning opportunity for those who are familiar with video editing and scriptwriting. With enough determination, you can take your channel to the top, and then direct advertisers will come to you with their offers. One video can bring you up to 100,000 USD. And if several videos are released per week, your income level will skyrocket.

 The main income for YouTubers is Google AdSense, which is connected to the channel once it reaches a certain number of views. 

The platform itself starts promoting them by recommending their videos. People see high-quality content and subscribe, which leads to further promotion by the platform. That's the snowball effect.

 Many bloggers claim that the secret to success on YouTube is high-quality visuals and sound. If the video is visually appealing and pleasant to watch, people will watch and listen to it. They will also subscribe, like, and share the videos with their acquaintances. And this happens naturally when you have quality content.

How much can you earn? 1,000,000 USD per month and more.

Method 17. Making money online through Livestreaming.

 Play games and get paid for it—that's what most people think. In reality, live streaming is no longer just about games. There are even entire categories of streamers who showcase their lives, musical instrument performances, development processes, and more.

 The main income for streamers comes from donations. Viewers who want to support the streamer donate a certain amount of money for channel development, equipment upgrades, or other purposes.

 To increase viewers' willingness to donate, many streamers incorporate special interactions. For example, they display the donor's name, message, and donation amount during the live broadcast. Some also create special top donor lists, where people who want to be featured in the list need to contribute a larger amount.

 Many streamers also display advertising banners visible to all viewers. They earn decent money from this, which is why almost all popular streamers sell advertisements.

 Main platforms for live streaming:

  • Twitch: The most popular live-streaming platform known for its high-quality streaming and various useful features for streamers and subscribers.
  • YouTube: YouTube also offers livestreaming functionality. Any channel owner, if not sanctioned, can livestream. The image quality may be slightly lower than on Twitch, but it suffices for many streamers.
  • GoodGame: Another live-streaming platform, although not as popular as the previous two. It primarily attracts game streamers.

 Livestreaming is also possible on VK, TikTok, Yandex Zen, and even Telegram. Many social networks and platforms are gradually adding this feature.

 Streamers often earn hundreds of thousands of USD. They can receive donations of tens of thousands of USD in a single day, and there is no limit to this.

How much can you earn? 1,000,000 USD per month and more.

Method 18. Making money online through Vertical Videos (TikTok, Shorts).

 TikTok introduced a new format of short vertical videos that took the world by storm. Now, a similar functionality is being added to almost every other social network.

 The key feature of this format is the recommendation algorithms that strive to show the most relevant content. For a while, it was easy to gain popularity and start earning on TikTok.

 Using these algorithms, people built an audience and then redirected them to other social networks. They became media personalities and secured million-dollar contracts from advertisers.

 In general, these apps can help you capture a lot of free traffic. The key is to be skilled in editing these short videos and remember to include the necessary links in the description.

 How much can you earn: 100,000 USD per advertisement and more.

Method 19. Making money online through Fan/Subscriber Donations.

 This method is essentially an extension of the previous three methods—you have the opportunity to earn through donations from your subscribers or fans. To do this, you need to create an account on a special service.

 People can visit your links and send money. It's convenient, practical, and secure. However, it's worth noting that these services charge a small commission.

Here are a few services that can help you receive donations:

  1. DonationAlerts
  2. Donate Pay
  3. Donatty

 Usually, subscribers donate for something specific, such as purchasing new filming equipment, improving content, or fulfilling the blogger/streamer's personal needs. However, people often donate simply as a token of appreciation for good and valuable content especially now, with YouTube monetization disabled and finding a good direct advertiser being quite challenging.

 It's important not to confuse this method with donations on Boosty or Patreon (more on that method below) because these services also provide donors with perks such as access to exclusive content, badges, and the opportunity to interact with the blogger, among other things.

 How much can you earn: From 2,000-3,000 USD per month to tens of millions (depends on your popularity and to some extent on luck).

Method 20. Making money online through Dzen.

 Dzen is a content recommendation platform that includes articles, posts, videos, and clips.

 Anyone can create a channel and start publishing materials, earning through built-in monetization using Yandex's advertising blocks (the platform itself was once owned by Yandex).

 Each publication is analyzed by AI, which identifies the category of readers who might find the publication interesting.

 The platform then pushes the publications to the feeds of such users. If they show interest, visit the article/video, and engage with the content until the end, Dzen will further promote your material.

 The main criteria here are views and completion rates—the visits during which a person reads your material or watches the video in its entirety. It takes into account not just the time spent on the article page but also behavioral factors like scrolling, cursor movements, writing comments, and more.

 The main source of income for Dzen authors is contextual advertising from Yandex, which is automatically placed within the materials.

 You can enable monetization only after reaching a threshold of 100 subscribers on your channel.

 Once the threshold is met, you can activate monetization. After activation, Yandex will start embedding ad blocks where they are most appropriate.

 The earnings will directly depend on the topic, number of views, and click-through rate (CTR). Some authors have long surpassed the income threshold of 200,000-300,000 USD per month.

 In addition to Yandex advertising, many channel owners place native ads from third-party companies. This type of income is considered more lucrative since you can earn 30,000-50,000 rubles or more for a single material.

 Native advertising offers are available only to popular channels with an existing subscriber base. However, new channels that attract a significant number of views and completion rates may also receive advertising offers.

 To create a channel, you need a Yandex or VK account. Then simply visit the official website and log in.

 You can then access the special studio where you can create and publish content. The studio also provides settings and special instructions for authors to familiarize themselves with all the platform's features.

How much can you earn? From 100 to 10,000 USD per day.

Method 21. Making money online through Account Boosting in Games.

 If you're knowledgeable about games, you can earn money by boosting accounts in games. Typically, people increase statistics, boost ranks, and earn in-game currency, or valuable items.

 Prices for CS: GO account boosting from a certain website is called a player for hire. This method is suitable only for those who are good at playing a specific online game. Usually, there is demand for:

  • CS: GO;
  • WoT;
  • Dota 2;
  • LoL;
  • Fortnite;
  • Warface;
  • And so on.

 But some special enthusiasts still play MMORPGs of various kinds. Starting from classics like WoW or Lineage 2 and ending with modern MMOs such as Black Desert Online or ArcheAge.

 Advertisements of players who specialize in account/character boosting can be found on various thematic platforms. Usually, these are forums dedicated to a specific game or games in general.

 A special thread is created on the forum where the seller (the player who will boost the account) posts the advertisement text, prices, and portfolio.

 Advertisements from so-called "clients" are less common. But forums are usually active with discussions, so it happens.

 If you want to engage in account boosting, it's time to register on several such forums and create a thread there. In this thread, you should accurately describe your advantages, talk about your gaming experience (proof can be any titles or levels), and outline your services with prices.

 You can also place your advertisement in IT service stores like Kwork. Such posts can also be found on larger platforms like Avito.

Earnings potential: 10,000-30,000 USD per month and more.

Method 22. Making money online through Photographs.

 If you have a camera or at least a smartphone with a good camera, you can try to earn money with your photographs.

 You can sell unique photos of nature, people, cities, objects, and more on specialized stock photo sites.

 You will be paid for each downloaded photo. Therefore, if you have many great shots, you can turn them into passive income.

 Alternatively, you can create digital images using Photoshop or other software. These can also be uploaded to stock photo sites for earning.

 You don't need to be a professional; amateur photographs are also suitable.

List of the best stock photo sites:

  • Shutterstock: the largest global stock photo site. It allows newcomers to earn decently (the platform promotes new materials). Initially, they pay 25 cents per download, then 33 and higher.
  • Fotolia: another stock photo site. Images are sold individually, and the platform's commission ranges from 80% to 40%.
  • Dreamstime: an English-language stock photo site. They are quite friendly towards authors.

Earnings potential: $80-500 per month and more.

Method 23. Making money online through Subscription Services.

 You can earn money from content not only through advertising. If you create something unique and valuable, you can try earning through subscription services.

 The idea is that people subscribe to you and pay a certain amount monthly. The amount can vary, and subscriptions can be canceled. It's a kind of donation that allows people to thank the author for good content and gain access to something unique.

 The most popular service for organizing such subscriptions is Boosty. Typically, popular bloggers create accounts on Boosty and post special content that is not available on other platforms. However, some less popular individuals manage their accounts and earn good money. They are usually specialists in a particular field, such as lawyers, investors, or sports analysts.

 Earnings directly depend on the number of subscribers and the subscription cost. You can set up "tariffs" for your "boosters" and provide special perks for each new level.

Earnings potential: from 100 USD to several million per month.

Method 24: Making money online through Cashback.

 You can make purchases in online stores and get a portion of your money back. This type of money earning is called cashback.

 Cashback is used by a huge number of people, especially in the West. There, this type of earning is not considered something extraordinary. It's a simple everyday practice that allows you to efficiently shop online and receive advantageous refunds from cashback services.

 All you need to do is register with a cashback service and install a browser extension or a mobile application. That's it. From then on, you will receive refunds for all your purchases, and once they reach the minimum withdrawal threshold, you can transfer the money to your bank card or online wallet.

 You can also get a debit card with cashback and receive up to 1% cashback on any purchases. Additionally, many banks have partners where you can receive higher cashback rates (from 10% to 30%).

 Currently, the topic of "favorite" categories is also relevant. For example, users of the Tinkoff Black debit card can choose 4 categories each month and receive cashback of 3-15% on every purchase in those categories. Alternatively, you can choose 1% cashback on all purchases instead of one of the categories.

Potential earnings: 700-10,000 USD per month or more.

Method 25: Making money online through Creating an online store.

 Do you want to have many sales and a large turnover? Great – create an online store and start promoting it. Nowadays, almost all sales happen online.

 Missing out on this opportunity would be a big mistake. An unforgivable mistake that deprives you of a large share of profits.

 Moreover, creating a simple online store doesn't require any specific knowledge. You can easily make a website on WordPress, install ready-made plugins, and choose a design.

 No complex codes or scripts are needed. You can even use website builders and assemble your project with just a mouse. It's very simple and practical.

 Of course, I understand that not everyone will be able to handle even such a simple platform as WordPress. For such people, I can advise going to freelance exchanges or web studios to order the development of an online store there. However, it's important to understand that the website won't generate customers on its own. You'll have to invest a lot of effort and money.

 Most of the money will go towards promoting the online store. Initially, this will likely involve running contextual advertising. You'll need to pay for the advertising account itself, as well as the services of a marketer who can set everything up. Alternatively, you can learn all of this yourself. But if you're serious about it, you'll still have to build a whole team. Hiring copywriters, marketers, SMM specialists, SEO experts, etc.

If you don't want to create a separate website for your store, you can settle for a simple group on VKontakte, Instagram, or Odnoklassniki. Here, you won't need to hire web developers; a designer who can handle the layout will be enough. You'll also need an SMM manager who will take care of the media, publish content, and do everything else.

 Then, you'll need to focus on promoting your media resource. This can be done through the advertising account within the social network or other methods, such as direct advertising. Popular Instagram bloggers often promote various stores. People actively purchase products through Instagram, so this topic is in demand. Handmade products are primarily sold: paintings, merchandise, shaped soaps, etc.

 Handmade products can be easily sold through a website as well. And if you combine a website with social media groups, you can attract even more customers. However, the costs for promotion can be much higher.

Potential earnings: 300,000 to 1,000,000 USD per month or more.

Method 26: Making money online through Marketplaces.

 Currently, this method can be considered even more preferable and simpler than an online store (or dropshipping). Its advantage lies in selling your products through already popular marketplaces like Wildberries, AMAZON, and Yandex. Market, Beru, and others.

 Here, everything is much easier than if you were working through your platform. You provide your products (which can be brought to special warehouses available in many major cities), create listings on the website, format them correctly, and promote them within the platform.

 By the way, the advantage of this option is that there is usually no minimum quantity requirement for the products. So, you can try working on the platform even if you only have a few dozen handmade bags or something similar.

 Just remember that marketplace rules can change from time to time, so it's better to clarify them.

 However, of course, it's not all as sweet as it may seem at first glance. You still have to work: learn the principles of promotion on the marketplace, provide feedback on reviews (even negative ones), bear the costs yourself when problems arise, and so on.

 You will also have to pay for the storage space occupied by your products. Although it may not be much, it still adds up.

 In general, in my opinion, this method is cool. I plan to test it myself. I will share my successes and failures in this blog.

Potential earnings: 10,000 to 100,000 USD per month and higher.

Method 27: Making money online through Traffic Arbitrage.

 This method is quite complex to implement. To engage in traffic arbitrage, you must be able to set up advertising campaigns on various platforms. These can include Yandex. Direct, Google AdWords, Vkontakte, Instagram, or Facebook.

 The essence of this method is that you promote a certain product or service and earn a percentage of the sales. Sometimes this percentage can reach 3,000 to 5,000 USD per lead. However, to work with such figures, you need experience and understanding.

 Here is a typical case of a successful campaign:

 A person earned nearly 500,000 USD in one and a half months by simply advertising a hair loss remedy for men on Instagram and Facebook. Naturally, money was needed for this, which is why I included this method in the section on earning with investments.

The standard model of working with traffic arbitrage, as I know it, looks as follows:

  • Register with CPA networks.
  • Choose an offer (product or service).
  • Create special advertising materials (creatives).
  • Test the advertising materials on different platforms.
  • Select the most profitable ones, and invest money in the campaigns.
  • Wait for people to click on your ads and purchase the product/service.
  • Earn a percentage from each purchase as a commission.
  • Strive to ensure that this commission covers all the invested expenses.
  • Income from commissions minus advertising costs equals profit.
  • Celebrate the profit and look for new offers or continue with the current one.

 However, this is a very simplified description. Many complexities need to be considered. This method may be suitable for beginners, but you will have to invest time and money in learning (not all advertising campaigns will work). Now I suggest taking a look at a small selection of affiliate networks. There, you can find offers (advertising proposals) and earn from them.

List of popular CPA networks:

  • Advertise An excellent network that I have been working with for a long time. You can find financial offers, betting offers, affiliate programs for internet services, and much more at great rates.
  • Admitad: One of the largest CPA networks in Russia and the CIS. You can find offers for physical products, financial offers, gaming offers, and other types. 
  • LeadGid: An affiliate network specializing in financial offers. It stands out with its cool interface, good support, and products from reputable companies like Tinkoff and Alfa-Bank.

 Each affiliate network and offer has specific rules regarding allowed and prohibited traffic sources and methods of promotion. So, before testing anything, I advise you to familiarize yourself with this information in more detail. It is even better if you reach out to customer support. They should explain everything in detail.

Potential earnings: 100,000 to 1,000,000 USD per traffic flow and higher.

Method 28: Making money online through Selling Websites. 

Currently, people are actively buying various websites for monetization, development, or resale. I was able to earn about 40,000 USD from this by selling one of my projects that seemed unpromising at the time.

There are several ways to earn from this:

1. Develop your projects for future sales: In this case, you will constantly create projects, and increase their earnings and traffic. These websites can be sold at a price calculated as the monthly earnings multiplied by the payback period. For example, if you want to sell a website with a one-year payback period, you simply multiply the monthly profit by 12. Typically, websites are sold based on the one-year payback period.

2. Buy projects at a lower price, improve them, and sell them: Many undervalued projects are listed on marketplaces. These are usually websites created by beginners who haven't fully grasped all the intricacies of the craft. You can easily acquire a valuable resource for a small amount of money, and then sell it for a higher price. However, it's not just a matter of flipping the website. You need to follow these steps:

  • Visit website marketplaces or various forums.
  • Find a promising project.
  • Purchase it at a minimal cost.
  • Enhance it, fix errors, and improve its earnings.
  • Sell the website for a higher price.

 This is a simple sequence of actions that can bring colossal profits. Choose the option that suits you best. I would choose the first one because it's more interesting. However, it has a downside – it may take six months to a year before the website starts generating decent traffic and revenue. Until that point, selling the website for a reasonable price may be difficult.

 If you want to see approximate figures, just visit the website marketplace Telderi. There, you will find various listings with all the necessary information. 

Potential earnings: from 10,000 USD per website and beyond.

Method 29: Making money online through Software Development, Applications, and Web Services.

 While this option could be considered a way to earn without investment, it usually requires substantial funding. Not just $1,000-2,000, but a significant amount.

 First, you need to create a product, test it, launch an extensive advertising campaign, and hire personnel. All of these require money. However, this method can bring in substantial profits. Developers of software, mobile applications, or web services often earn significant amounts. Their monthly earnings can reach several million dollars, and sometimes the numbers are mind-boggling.

 It's unlikely that you can launch something similar on your own. Nowadays, any random product doesn't guarantee huge success. You need to package your product attractively, constantly add new features, and maintain public relations. This requires a dedicated team. So, essentially, this method is about starting your startup rather than simply developing something.

Potential earnings: millions of dollars (if the application takes off).

Method 30: Making money online through Digital Agency Services.

You can offer services online as a freelancer or join like-minded individuals to create your digital agency, operating on a larger scale.

In either case, you will need to work on various fronts, so this method is not easy. There are many different options available. You can provide services such as content writing, website promotion, advertising campaign setup, design, project planning, and more. An agency can focus on a specific area or offer a range of services.

The most popular directions for creating a digital agency include:

  • Programming and website development, including desktop and mobile applications
  • Advertising and Internet marketing
  • SEO promotion
  • Design and logo creation
  • Copywriting, persuasive writing, and blog management
  • Game development
  • And more

There are numerous directions, and new ones are constantly emerging. Essentially, you need to keep an eye on the market and seize opportunities.

Potential earnings: 100,000 to 300,000 USD per month and beyond.

Method 31: Making money online through Coaching and Info business.

 You may have noticed the rise of infopreneurs and business coaches. Info business and coaching can be excellent ways to earn millions of rubles or even dollars.

 The average price for an infobusiness course starts from $500. Imagine if a thousand people buy this course, that would be $500,000 in revenue. It's no wonder that many people are venturing into the info business to make significant profits.

Potential earnings: millions of USD (depending on the popularity of the courses).

Method 32: Making money online through the Telegram Channel.

 Telegram channels are currently trending. Everyone is rushing to create their own media sources on this popular messaging platform. There is a lot of excitement, but the competition is not as fierce as in other social networks. Therefore, you have a chance to carve out a niche in 2023 and earn well from it.

 Advertising in Telegram channels is in high demand. Many channel owners earn around 80,000 to 120,000 USD per month from relatively small channels. However, reaching that level requires growth, promotion, and PR efforts.

 By the way, advertising on Telegram channels is more expensive than on other popular social media platforms. This is because the conversion rate is usually higher due to the more targeted and loyal audience (assuming they are not fake bot followers). Recently, streaming has been introduced on Telegram, attracting popular YouTubers to migrate to the platform.


Potential earnings: 10,000 to 60,000 USD per advertisement post.

 Please note that these figures are approximate and can vary based on various factors such as niche, audience size, and overall market conditions.

Method 33: Making money online through VKontakte.

 Currently, VKontakte (VK) is striving to develop and add new features. These include clips (similar to TikTok), VK Video (similar to YouTube), and various recommendation systems that can generate traffic quickly.

 In the current situation, you can try to take advantage of this and build up your page with content to later earn revenue through advertising. This can be done through clips, videos, or standard posts, all of which have the potential to gain traction.

 VK groups should also not be disregarded. Although there aren't many untapped niches, with significant effort, a specific budget, and a well-executed strategy, you can ensure a stable passive income through advertising. This includes both native advertising from the social network itself and third-party platforms that offer similar ad placement but usually at higher prices.

 I recommend considering this option if you have the funds and the ability to attract competent SMM specialists.

Potential earnings: 5,000 to 300,000 USD per month and beyond.

Method 34: Making money online through Instagram.

 Instagram bloggers also have the opportunity to earn a decent income. If you have traffic, you can monetize it. The challenge lies in growing your presence as competition in this space is significant. Popular bloggers still earn money through selling advertising in their stories and posts, so there are no issues in that regard. Additionally, you can target a different geographical audience on Instagram and earn revenue from advertising there.

 In recent times, the platform has been introducing new algorithms and features, such as Reels and various recommendation feeds. However, to grow your presence, you will still need to actively invest money, which is why I consider this method as an investment-based earning opportunity.

 In summary, you build an audience and then start selling advertising or find other ways to monetize it, such as redirecting them to Telegram, VK, or YouTube.

Potential earnings: 0 to 1,000,000 USD and beyond.

Method 35: Making money online through Stock Investing.

 This method is quite complex and not always profitable. It involves purchasing stocks of well-known companies and earning dividends. For example, let's say you buy shares of Yandex for $100 (for illustration purposes). In the following month, if the stock price increases, your earnings will also grow.

 You can either sell the shares at a higher price or simply receive dividends from the company. If you also want to buy stocks, Tinkoff.Investments would be one of the best options. They have a user-friendly interface, plenty of useful information, and reasonable rates for beginner investors.

 Other investment mobile apps can be found in my latest compilation of the best brokers in Russia for 2023.

Potential earnings: millions of dollars, but typically around 10-15% per month of the invested amount.

Method 36: Making money online through Trading, and playing the currency market.

 Trading has long moved to the Internet. People work from home, playing with currency rates, and now even with cryptocurrencies. Essentially, it's quite simple: you buy currency, wait for it to increase in value, and then sell it.

 To earn money through trading, you need to understand the principles of the currency market. It's not like binary options where you simply click up or down - it's very serious. You can lose money in no time.

 Using just one broker application may not be enough to play the currency market. There is a whole set of useful software and resources that help you see and analyze more.

Earning potential: similar to other methods, it depends on the invested amount.

Method 37: Making money online through Investing in commodities.

 Gold, oil, silver, and other precious metals can also be purchased online. You can store your property in a bank or come and collect it yourself. When the price of the commodity increases, you can sell it and make a profit.

Earning potential: on average, 5-15% of the invested amount over a certain period.

Method 38: Making money online through Cryptocurrency mining.

 A recently emerged way of earning money is mining cryptocurrency for subsequent sale. The profitability of mining depends on various factors, starting from the currency being mined to the power of your equipment and the global situation.

 Earning potential: it depends on the cryptocurrency exchange rate and investments, usually ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 USD per month.

Method 39: Making money online through online betting.

 Betting is when a person places real money on a specific event (usually sports) and, in the case of a correct outcome, receives 1.5-2 times more than the invested amount. If the outcome is incorrect, the person loses their money. It's like a bet with a friend, except bookmakers play the role of the friend.

 There are many bookmakers out there. Some are reliable and trustworthy companies, while others are scam websites that will simply take your money regardless of the outcome.

 It's best to place bets only with licensed bookmakers connected to the Centralized Betting Accounting System (TSUPIS) to minimize the risks of unfair money loss.

 I'm not sure if it's accurate to consider sports betting as a source of income. It's more like additional income or entertainment. However, it doesn't change the fact that you can earn decent money through betting, provided you have knowledge of a specific sport and can make accurate predictions.

Earning potential: from 100 to 1,000,000 USD or more.

Method 40: Making money from the internet by selling in-game items online.

 The gaming industry revolves around huge amounts of money. Some people are willing to pay thousands of dollars for pixels, and you can capitalize on that. I'm talking about selling items in online games. It's a complex, unclear, and risky method, but it can be very lucrative.

 There are many options for this: you can buy cheaper items (in CS:GO/Dota/Fortnite, etc.), wait for their average market price to increase, and then sell them.

 You can also try to obtain expensive items through cases - paid roulette where you have a small chance of getting valuable items. After that, you sell them, of course.

 In general, it all revolves around items in various games. I believe it won't be difficult to understand which games are being referred to. But you can also use your imagination and try this in less popular projects.

Earning potential: from 2,000-3,000 to 100-200 dollars per month. It all depends on turnover and item prices.

FAQ: Reader Questions and Answers.

Question #1: What is the most profitable way to make money online in 2023?

It's a complicated question. If we're talking about earning without investments, the most profitable methods, in my opinion, are creating your website, a YouTube channel focused on Shorts (and driving traffic to your social media/partner platforms), and Yandex. Dzen (with an emphasis on video content), affiliate programs, and live streaming.

If we're talking about earning with investments, then traffic arbitrage, earning on marketplaces, drop shipping, and owning an online store are potential options.

It's difficult to name one method as the most profitable since each method has its nuances.

Question #2: How can beginners make money without investments right now?

For beginners, suitable methods include PTC sites, captcha solving, watching ads, earning through likes and comments, and more. If you have some understanding, you can try freelance marketplaces or copywriting exchanges, where you can easily earn at least 500 USD per day.

Question #3: How can I make 20, 30, or 100 thousand USD per month?

There are several options. You can become a successful freelancer, or copywriter, and make money through client projects (for this, you'll need to learn a lot, gain experience, and build a portfolio). Alternatively, you can invest money in creating a website (it's easier to promote with funds), an online store, traffic arbitrage, a VK group, YouTube, Telegram channel, stocks, commodities, and multiply your earnings. In any case, you'll need to acquire new knowledge and learn how to apply it.

Question #4: • Where should I start to MAKE  money from the internet?

The most important thing you've already done is showing an interest in the topic and reading this article. Now you can bookmark it (as the article is regularly updated), read other materials on my blog, explore relevant social media accounts (links were provided earlier), and search for more information. The most crucial step is to try earning your first money. Sign up on a PTC site or a freelance marketplace, complete a task, and see your first earnings online. This psychological moment will give you the momentum to continue.


As you can see, earning money online is very much possible. I have presented 40 methods here, but I'm sure there are many more. Each of the suggested methods can generate income, although not always significant. I hope you have found a useful method in this collection that you are eager to try. In the future.


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