What is Artificial Intelligence? and Its Importance in Managing Your Business

 What is Artificial Intelligence? and Its Importance in Managing Your Business

What is Artificial Intelligence? and Its Importance in Managing Your Business
What is Artificial Intelligence? and Its Importance in Managing Your Business

What is Artificial Intelligence? and Its Importance in Managing Your Business

In light of the rapid technological advancements, there are new terms that resonate with us, and one of the most prominent is the term Artificial Intelligence (AI), which asserts itself strongly in the present and future of the digital arena. 

Have you ever read about the importance of Artificial Intelligence or familiarized yourself with its fields and related concepts? Don't worry, you're in the right place. In this article, we will discuss everything related to this term.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, as evident from its name, is a term that refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. This enables them to acquire the ability to solve problems, make decisions, react, learn, and more. 

However, we cannot assert that there is a single, definitive definition of Artificial Intelligence, as it is a controversial term that may have multiple definitions, but these definitions carry the same idea.

To delve into more detail, it is one of the branches of computer science and one of its fundamental pillars in the modern age. Numerous technologies in various fields are based on it. Artificial Intelligence can be classified into two types: simple and complex, depending on the tasks and technologies used.

History of Artificial Intelligence

The concept of Artificial Intelligence is relatively new and emerging in our current era. It began to emerge in the 1950s when the British scientist Alan Turing presented a research paper 1950, discussing how to manufacture intelligent machines and test their intelligence. 

He was inspired by the idea that the human mind can use available information and data to solve problems, make decisions, and deal with events. So why not make machines do the same?

Five years after that, John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky organized the first conference where researchers gathered to establish the concepts related to Artificial Intelligence and strive to develop it. Although it did not reach the expected level at that time, it created an incentive and motivation towards this matter.

It is worth mentioning that in 1954, the first robot was manufactured by engineer George Devol. The main task assigned to this robot was to handle heavy objects and move them from one place to another. Its tasks were later developed to include metal welding.

Between 1957 and 1974, artificial intelligence, particularly in the field of computers and their capabilities, flourished. Computers became faster, had larger databases and information, and improved machine learning algorithms. 

This led to significant advancements in artificial intelligence as we know it today. One example of this progress is the robot Sophia, which mimics human behavior, conducts television interviews and has even obtained citizenship.

What are the fields and branches of artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence encompasses multiple fields, but there are several prominent areas and branches. These branches include:

1. Machine Learning:

Machine learning is one of the leading sciences in the current era and is closely related to computer science. It is a rapidly growing field that enables machines to analyze and process incoming data to provide solutions to various challenges.

 Machine learning focuses on equipping machines with the ability to learn autonomously and make decisions using software algorithms that enable them to predict future outcomes based on vast amounts of information and data.

 There are three types of learning within the concept of machine learning:

  • Supervised learning
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Reinforcement learning

2. Robotics:

Robotics is one of the prominent fields related to artificial intelligence. It focuses on the design, development, and operation of robots by integrating specialized technologies such as engineering and programming. 

The primary goal of manufacturing robots is to facilitate human life, alleviate burdens, and enter various domains. Some notable examples include NASA, automobile factories, and more.

3. Neural Networks (Deep Learning)

Neural networks, also known as deep learning, are closely related to using neuroscience to assist machines and computer systems. They utilize artificial neural cells to solve complex problems. 

One of the most famous examples of this branch is facial recognition algorithms and software, as well as virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa.

4. Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logic involves providing high-performance techniques for dealing with uncertain information to ensure its accuracy. It is useful in cases of uncertainty, and it operates based on fuzzy logic, where information is either true or false, despite the existence of cases that can be partially true or partially false.

5. Expert Systems

As the name suggests, expert systems aim to harness human expertise to make decisions. They are predominantly used in medical facilities for virus detection, as well as in the banking and investment sectors.

6. Natural Language Processing

Just as it is difficult to communicate with someone who doesn't speak your language, the same applies when communicating with computers. They don't understand spoken language and require a specific language to interact with them. 

Computers only understand binary numerical language. Therefore, specialists have developed the field of natural language processing, which enables computers to translate spoken human speech into written text and understand human intent.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be classified into three main types based on its depth, capabilities, and the techniques used:

First: Narrow AI or Weak AI

Narrow AI refers to specialized AI systems that can perform specific tasks. These systems are usually limited in their capabilities, as they are designed to perform a single task. 

If they go beyond the boundaries of that task, they are expected to fail. Narrow AI is the most common type among others. Examples of narrow AI include Apple's Siri, which operates within predefined functions, and IBM's Watson, which falls into this category as well. 

Other examples include recommendation systems in online stores, self-driving cars, voice, and image recognition, and more.

Second: General AI

General AI possesses the ability to efficiently perform intellectual tasks and simulate human capabilities. The fundamental idea behind general AI is to perform intelligent tasks and exhibit self-thinking without external intervention. 

However, currently, no machine can achieve this with perfect efficiency comparable to humans. Research is still ongoing in this field to develop machines that fall under this type of AI, but it requires time and effort.

Third: Super AI

Super AI is the most advanced and intelligent type of AI. It enables machines to surpass human intelligence and perform tasks better than humans.

 We can consider this type as a result of the previous type (general AI), as it possesses important characteristics such as thinking, problem-solving, decision-making based on available data, self-learning, and more. 

Super AI is still hypothetical and subject to research and development. It is the subject of numerous studies worldwide, and significant progress is expected to be made in the coming years.

On the other hand, there is a classification based on the functions and tasks that can be performed, and according to this classification, there are four types of artificial intelligence:

1. Limited Memory:

Many devices use limited memory to store information and data for a short period. Self-driving cars are a prime example of this type.

 They use their limited memory to store temporary information and make decisions based on it, such as the speed of cars around them and the distance between them and other cars on the road.

2. Theory of Mind:

The ability of machines to interact like humans has evolved greatly, known as the Theory of Mind. This theory refers to the interaction of machines and devices using artificial intelligence with human emotions and beliefs, and their ability to interact socially like humans. This type closely resembles human emotional intelligence and is more like science fiction, but it has been practically applied. One of the most famous examples is Google's Siri service, which interacts with users and simulates human elements. There is a significant effort to develop and improve techniques of this type.

3. Reactive Machines:

Reactive machines can be considered the foundation of artificial intelligence. They are the simplest level of AI, but unlike other types, they do not store information and past experiences to make decisions and future events. 

Instead, they deal with current scenarios and interact better with them. They generate a reaction between input and output. Prominent examples of this type include IBM's Deep Blue system and Google's AlphaGo.

4. Self-aware:

Machine self-awareness will shape the future of artificial intelligence, as it is expected to surpass human intelligence and develop its feelings and self-consciousness. Although the concept is still theoretical and not yet practically implemented, it is highly likely to emerge in the coming years.

Artificial Intelligence Applications

There are countless applications related to artificial intelligence (AI) due to its vast and diverse nature, encompassing almost every aspect of life. Here are some of the most prominent applications:

1. Self-driving cars

Self-driving cars are one of the leading applications and intelligent machines that companies worldwide are racing to develop. They incorporate various AI technologies, including computation, analysis, data management, and decision-making.

2. Gaming

Many advanced interactive games today rely on AI-related technologies. One notable example is the AI game "AlphaGo" developed by Google, which simulates the ancient Chinese game "Go" known for its complexity surpassing that of chess. The "AlphaGo" program defeated the world's top-ranked player, Lee Sedol, in the game of "Go."

When examining the algorithms of "AlphaGo," they are a combination of neural network algorithms and machine learning techniques, supported by professional software engineering. The "AlphaGo" program gains the ability to learn and evolve by exposing itself to numerous matches between professional players and then engaging in millions of virtual matches against itself, which enhances its experience and improves its performance in the game.

3. Social media

All social media platforms, without exception, utilize AI technologies, such as big data analysis and management, to serve specific purposes.

4. Healthcare

Many areas of healthcare today are intertwined with AI, including applications of various smart devices that assist patients in adaptation and help doctors in quick and accurate diagnosis and monitoring of patient conditions.

5. Information security

Cyberattacks are rapidly increasing in the digital world, necessitating protective measures. In this field, there are techniques like the AI2 Platform and AEG bot for thwarting attacks and detecting software vulnerabilities.

6. Marketing and e-commerce

Numerous AI-powered tools are employed in electronic marketing to track customer interests and preferences, analyze statistical data, and recommend relevant products based on gender, size, color, and recommended brand.

7. Agriculture

AI technologies are widely applied in agriculture today through agricultural robots and the automation of farming processes such as irrigation, plant care, and automatic monitoring and analysis of results.

8. Tourism and travel

Making travel arrangements has become easier than ever before. AI enables robots to interact with and assist customers, providing hotel and location recommendations and flight bookings.

9. Space and astronomy

One of the fields closely associated with AI is space and astronomy, where it is used in almost all devices, including space rockets and exploration robots.

10. Virtual assistants

AI has applications as virtual assistants that interact with humans, understand their desired purpose, and help them accomplish tasks. Examples include Google's virtual assistant technology, Siri, and Tesla's TeslaBot.

11. Smartphones and mobile computers

Smartphones and laptops undoubtedly incorporate advanced technologies such as fingerprint and facial recognition, interaction, and GPS location services.

12. Education

AI has indispensable applications in education, greatly assisting students and teachers, especially in times of emergencies. Examples include remote learning software and digital interaction platforms.

Prominent Artificial Intelligence Tools and Technologies

There are several tools associated with artificial intelligence (AI) that are worth mentioning. Here are the most prominent ones:

1. Scikit-Learn

Scikit-Learn is a machine-learning library that focuses on data mining, information extraction, and representation.

2. TensorFlow

TensorFlow helps machines understand speech and analyze graphics. It was developed by the Google Brain team and represents information in the form of graphical models.

3. H2O: Open Source AI Platform

H2O is an open-source deep-learning platform primarily designed for business purposes. It aids in decision-making based on data.

4. PyTorch

PyTorch was developed by Facebook and its source code is available on GitHub. It serves as a machine learning library and is built using programming languages such as Python, CUDA, and C++. It is used in computer vision applications and natural language processing.

5. Keras

Keras is a high-level tool developed using the Python language. It is used in branches such as neural networks and deep learning.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) possesses several features that have made it a favorite among many. Some of these advantages include:

1. Error Reduction

Artificial intelligence can be easily trained to focus without the fear of stress, making mistakes, or being influenced by environmental conditions.

 Unlike humans, who may make errors due to fatigue or stress affecting their decision-making, AI is not affected by such obstacles and maintains its level of concentration throughout its operation.

2. Time and Effort Savings

Imagine a task that requires repeating a certain process, regardless of its complexity. How much time and effort would it take from you? 

For instance, when you want to search through a million web pages for specific information, is it reasonable to do it manually? This is where the importance of leveraging artificial intelligence becomes evident.

3. Risk Replacement for Humans

In many tasks, there is a significant risk to human beings, such as bomb disposal or performing tasks at great heights. Undoubtedly, there is a considerable amount of danger involved, and it is undoubtedly safer to use artificial intelligence applications in such cases.

4. Efficiency and Accuracy

The capacity and efficiency related to artificial intelligence can be developed to perform tasks, whether extremely small or large and complex, continuously without feeling fatigue, tiredness, or any obstacles that may hinder a machine, unlike humans.

5. Cost Reduction

The density of human labor sometimes poses a problem for business owners as it incurs additional costs. However, by replacing human tasks with robots that perform tasks faster and more accurately, costs can be significantly reduced, creating a competitive advantage for these companies over their competitors.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Despite the numerous benefits of artificial intelligence (AI), there are some problems and drawbacks associated with this advancement, including:

1. Unemployment

While AI has the advantage of reducing costs, it can also lead to a significant problem: unemployment. When human labor is replaced by industrial machines, it threatens the nature of life in societies and creates new issues.

 This is evident in the protests carried out by many taxi drivers in objection to the introduction of fully autonomous cars, which could potentially reduce the workforce of drivers in the future.

 British Airways, for example, is working on replacing its customer service employees with an intelligent communication system programmed with speech recognition technology using deep neural network software, which can comprehend human speech and respond to inquiries automatically.

2. High Implementation Costs

Although AI often consumes less energy, it requires substantial resources and manufacturing costs, which are typically expensive due to the advanced technologies and modern tools used.

3. Lack of Creativity

No matter how advanced a machine becomes, it remains an inanimate object and lacks the creative sense possessed by humans. It does not strive for development but rather continues to perform specific tasks throughout its operating period without adding any new creative elements to the workflow or even the ability to improve work processes based on acquired experience.

4. Loss of Control

In science fiction movies, we often see robots attacking or going out of control. There is a significant fear that these predictions may come true someday, as we cannot guarantee full control over AI without unexpected errors occurring, leading to real disasters.

5. Lack of Ethics and Emotions

One of the most challenging aspects is integrating human ethics into manufactured machines. We cannot expect machines to possess a level of consciousness similar to that of humans, and they do not have emotions resembling human emotions. Machines, until now, operate based on a set of predetermined and programmed commands.

How do business owners benefit from artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has indispensable applications in the business sector and various fields. It helps indescribably manage businesses, saving time and effort. 

To simplify this, let's consider an example: If you work in the banking sector, you can leverage AI and its applications and tools to detect any fraudulent activities or scams. 

It can also help improve customer service in your online store through automated response services and more, contributing to the overall productivity of companies.

There are many experts capable of equipping devices and computers with various AI-related software and technologies. This allows for more accurate work completion in less time while securing your systems against cyberattacks that target your data and sensitive information. 

By providing your devices with AI-powered software and tools, you can defend against such attacks. Don't hesitate to hire one of these experts from service providers and developers through platforms like "Khamsat," the leading Arab marketplace for buying and selling freelance services.

What is the future of artificial intelligence?

The rapid pace of technological advancement leaves no doubt that artificial intelligence will be the hallmark of the future digital age. 

This has prompted numerous studies to explore its potential penetration into future life. A study conducted by researchers from Oxford and Yale Universities found the following:

  • Within the next 45 years, it is expected that artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence by up to 50%.
  • By 2024, machines will be capable of professional-level translation skills surpassing human abilities.
  • By 2053, AI-powered machines will acquire the ability to perform surgical operations with precision and skill without human intervention.
  • The future will witness devices and machines equipped with "decision support systems," indicating that machines may not require human support for decision-making.
  • This future will not be devoid of social and economic impacts resulting from the intervention of smart machines in life, which will bring about a transformation in lifestyle as a whole.

How to study artificial intelligence?

If you are passionate about artificial intelligence and want to delve deeper into studying software related to it, you should first determine the branch you want to study from the aforementioned branches. 

Then, you can choose from several study methods, including:

  • Academic studies: If circumstances allow, you can enroll in universities that offer artificial intelligence programs in their faculties.
  • Intensive courses: Hsoub Academy offers numerous intensive programming and development courses that will prepare you to pursue your passion. The academy also provides a reference for everything related to artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Specialized courses: There are many specialized courses available, such as the Artificial Intelligence course on Coursera and courses offered on the Udemy platform.
  • YouTube: YouTube offers many useful tutorials that will serve you in this context.

Artificial Intelligence: Services you may not be aware of.

Throughout history, humans have sought to invent something that can simulate the human mind and its thinking patterns. Artists, writers, filmmakers, and game developers alike have all tried to find a logical explanation for the concept of artificial intelligence. 

For example, in 1872, Samuel Butler discussed in his novel "Erewhon" the role machines would play in the development of humanity and the advancement of the world.

Over time, artificial intelligence remained only in the realm of science fiction, sometimes highlighting the potential benefits it could bring to humanity and its bright humanistic aspects, while at other times emphasizing the expected negative aspects and portraying it as a fierce enemy that intends to subjugate civilization and take control.

In 2018, artificial intelligence became a reality rather than just imagination. It no longer occupied a place solely in popular culture. That year marked a breakthrough for artificial intelligence, as the technology grew significantly and became a key tool across all sectors.

Artificial intelligence has emerged from research laboratories and the pages of science fiction novels to become an integral part of our daily lives. It assists us in navigating cities and avoiding traffic congestion, and we use virtual assistants to help us perform various tasks. Today, our use of artificial intelligence is deeply rooted in the public interest and the betterment of society.

Using Artificial Intelligence for Good:

In a recently published article, Brad Smith, the President, and Chief Legal Officer of Microsoft, highlighted that the world has been and continues to suffer from ongoing humanitarian crises caused by natural and man-made disasters. While humanitarian companies attempt to address those failures and events, their paintings frequently stay reactive, and increasing their scope is challenging.

According to Smith, synthetic intelligence and statistics science, blended with information in environmental sciences and humanitarian aid, will help save more lives and alleviate suffering by improving the ways we predict, prevent, and respond to disasters.

In line with this vision, Microsoft released the "AI for Earth" program, aimed toward protecting our planet through using records science. The software has a period of 5 years and a finances of $50 million. It leverages Microsoft's 35 years of studies and generation know-how in synthetic intelligence in 4 key sectors:  water, biodiversity agriculture, and weather change.

Lucas Joppa, who heads the AI for Earth program at Microsoft, states, "We believe that artificial Intelligence can be a game-changer in tackling urgent societal disturbing conditions and growing a better future. demanding situations and developing a higher future." 

The African continent is considered the best place to witness radical changes brought about by artificial intelligence. Early adoption of AI gear in regions together with agriculture and aid conservation can lead to environmental and economic benefits, enabling better resource management and workforce empowerment.

Protecting Planet Earth through Data Science and Artificial Intelligence:

Manufacturing is one of the most significant environmental challenges facing our world today. Climate change, pollution of soil and rivers, extensive consumption of forest resources, and other environmental hazards are some of the effects in which manufacturing plays a crucial role.

We are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which presents a great opportunity to reshape the way we manage our environment today. Digitization and societal transformations are being harnessed to address environmental problems and create a revolution in sustainability.

The recently launched "AI for Earth Innovation Grant" program, with a budget of $1.2 million, has furnished presents ranging from $45,000 to $200,000 to eleven change-makers to help their revolutionary tasks in agriculture, water, biodiversity, and weather change.

One recipient of the AI for Earth Innovation Grant is Solomon Hsiang, whose research focuses on understanding the impact of climate change on human migration in Africa. Solomon utilized 1.6 million historical aerial images collected by the British Royal Air Force, which were captured by spy planes during the World Wars to survey the territories under British rule at that time. 

Solomon and his colleagues decided to digitize these images and apply machine learning and artificial intelligence tools to create new population maps of Africa, to understand the impact of climate change on human migration over time.

Another grant recipient of the AI for Earth program is Dr. Mercy Lungaho, a researcher at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture and Nutrition scientist. Mercy uses artificial intelligence to find a solution to malnutrition, one of Africa's contemporary major problems. 

Mercy has employed artificial intelligence to support her diagnostic program called the "Early Warning System for Nutrition," which predicts nutritional crises before they occur. It is worth noting that this system is still in its early stages and will be built using the Microsoft Azure platform.

Kitty Adutch is another beneficiary of the grant, where she utilizes her skills in computer science and geography to apply technology in addressing environmental challenges. Her assignment makes a specialty of Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda, and Kitty's assignment objective is to apply artificial intelligence techniques to detect and measure changes that have occurred on the Earth's surface over the past decade. 

This is done to shed light on urbanization trends and infrastructure development, all to support the work of scientists, researchers,  and environmental conservationists in the region.

Microsoft aims to become a leading supporter of charitable organizations by providing financial and technological support that contributes to enhancing the performance of these organizations in achieving greater social and environmental impact. 

One of the charitable organizations supported by Microsoft is the Peace Parks Foundation, an organization that aims to establish a relationship between humans and the wilderness in Africa in a way that harmonizes with nature. A significant aspect of the organization's work focuses on combating poaching in South Africa.

Microsoft has supported this charitable organization by providing them with the "Artificial Intelligence for Earth Grant" to enhance the smart park system in the organization and improve anti-poaching operations. Microsoft's artificial intelligence techniques were used by deploying a network of intelligent surveillance cameras that operate automatically and assist in detecting illegal hunting activities by analyzing captured images.

Artificial Intelligence for Accessibility - Enhancing Human Capabilities

One of the human aspects of using artificial intelligence that has been increasingly relied upon recently is its ability to empower individuals with special needs, enabling them to gain independence and productivity. One example of this, currently in application, is the free "SeeingAI" application, which uses artificial intelligence tools to verbally describe the world around you.

The application was developed by Saqib Sheikh, a software engineer who personally understands the struggles of the visually impaired, as he lost his sight at the age of seven. He now dedicates himself to using technology to build a more inclusive world with the help of Microsoft's cognitive services and machine learning applications (Microsoft Cognitive Services APIs). 

Engineers created the "SeeingAI" application, which allows for high-quality text-to-speech, person recognition, emotion recognition, and description of daily scenes.

The "SeeingAI" application can be paired with another Microsoft application called "Soundscape." This application enables individuals with blindness or visual impairments to explore the world around them using a three-dimensional audio experience.

Artificial Intelligence for Humanitarian Service:
Artificial intelligence can also be used to support marginalized groups in society. Recently, the Sage Foundation partnered with the Institute for Social Justice at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa to launch the rAInbow program. 

This program is supported by artificial intelligence and aims to assist victims of domestic violence. Interviews were conducted with domestic violence victims to better understand how to seek help. South Africa was chosen because it has one of the highest rates of female homicide in the world.

The rAInbow program provides a safe environment for victims of domestic violence, helping them understand their rights, available support options, and places where they can receive help. It is easily accessible through Facebook Messenger. According to Kriti Sharma, the founder of rAInbow, the program combines conversational language to provide a comforting experience, as if you are talking to a close friend.

Sharma adds, "People are increasingly realizing the potential of technology and innovation in finding suitable solutions to social challenges. We expect rAInbow to provide us with deep insights that can contribute to significant positive returns in addressing social issues, including how to ensure the protection of women in society."

In a similar context, Microsoft announced the launch of a new five-year program called "AI for Humanitarian Action," with a value of $40 million. This program harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help the world recover from disasters, meet the needs of children, protect refugees and displaced persons, and promote the implementation of human rights laws.

Following initiatives like "AI for Accessibility," Microsoft will dedicate its efforts and services to support charitable organizations through grants, strategic partnerships, and technological investments.

We are living in an unprecedented and exceptional period in history, as we now have real solutions to address some of the world's biggest problems. It is time to make artificial intelligence take a leading role in serving humanity and saving our planet.

In conclusion, this article has shed light on the basic concepts and fields related to the science of artificial intelligence, as well as its practical and real-life applications. Each paragraph emphasized the importance of this pioneering field, which has its pros and cons, but it is certainly heading towards a stronger future with its tools and applications.


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